My Role: Sr. Product/UX Designer Team Responsibilities: Sr. Lecturer Attendance: 56ppl
Timeline: ~60 min workshop
Tools: Figma, Figjam, VisualElectric AI, Livestorm presentation
In Q4 of 2023. Designlab engaged a series of Designtalks to help increase the learning of Designlab UX/UI students. I worked for ~3 weeks on a thinking up the workshop, create the lecture slides, and have run the workshop a few sessions. Attendies have been highly engaged, curious, and willing to participate.
Learning objectives > workshop Ideation > AI tools > Figjam development > Lecture design > Workshop Presentation ~60 mins.
The workshop consisted or 3 parts: 1. A short lecture on the value of drawing and thinking visually. 2. A figjam sketching workshop with the help stickynote and generative AI - Visual Electric AI for generating AI images. 3. A lively review and discussion of the value AI can bring to creating and conceptualizing ideas for designers.
Sketching First Ideation Lecture
To realize one application that provides every guest with an unparalleled level of convenience, personalization, and seamless interaction across all Alterra-owned and partner destinations worldwide. Our solution focused on an seasoned rider who is looking to activate her crew on a powder day. We gave her ways to quickly see mountain conditions, commuincation tools for rallying her crew, and reservation tools for managaging her day from first chair to aprēs ski with her friends, and more. Our product pitch works because it is rooted in human-centered research, driven by user insights, and tells stories that lead to excitement on our clients faces, executives playing with our prototypes, and users using our solution. We aslo won the work which Bttr did in Q3 of 2023.
“I prefer drawing to talking. Drawing is faster and leaves less room for lies." - Le Corbusier
“What I love about the creative process, and this may sound naive, but it is this idea that one day there is no idea, and no solution, but the next day there is an idea. I find that incredibly exciting and conceptually actually remarkable.” - Jony Ive,
As a way to encourage students to capture their process it means showing their sketches.