My Role: Sr. Product/UX Designer Team Responsibilities: New Business Team makeup: 5+ (CEO - Chris Johns, CDO - Donny Smith, Sr. UX (me), Sr. UI - Chris Kerr, 1xEditor/Animator- Dan Silverstone)
Timeline: ~4 sprints (~8 weeks)
In Q1 of 2023. Alterra Moutain Company engage in a RFP process for improving their Ikon Pass App. Our samll team (~5) worked for 6 weeks on a pitch desk, modernized UI, innovation strategy, and speculative app narrative video. Ultimately the Bttr team was awarded the Alterra Work in Q3-2023
Competitive Research > Concept Ideation > UX story and narrative > UI development > Pitch Video > Pitch Deck
To realize one application that provides every guest with an unparalleled level of convenience, personalization, and seamless interaction across all Alterra-owned and partner destinations worldwide. Our solution focused on an seasoned rider who is looking to activate her crew on a powder day. We gave her ways to quickly see mountain conditions, commuincation tools for rallying her crew, and reservation tools for managaging her day from first chair to aprēs ski with her friends, and more. Our product pitch works because it is rooted in human-centered research, driven by user insights, and tells stories that lead to excitement on our clients faces, executives playing with our prototypes, and users using our solution. We aslo won the work which Bttr did in Q3 of 2023.